Company profile

DB Group is a technical recruitment agency amongst the following sectors, petrochemical, oil and gas production, marine and shipbuilding and food and dairy industry.


Basically we provide craftsmen such as welders, fitters and mechanics including the relevant supervisors – foremen and contractors. In addition, we also provide specialist as safety experts, quality personnel (weld inspection and QC) and whatever else is requested for the executive positions.


Due to our network we regularly provide complete teams to our clients. These teams consist of mechanics, fitters (first and second), welders, foremen and contractors. If required, this will be extended with safety and quality personnel. The teams we compose can vary in size from 10 to 100 men, depending on the amount of work.


DB Group has its own workshop in Enter. Employees can perform welding tests and practise to prepare for weld exams. Welding tests and fitting tests are regularly performed at our location. This way we guarantee quality and we ensure that nobody (client, employee and DB Group) loses time when the work is about to start. We also have equipment to perform small installation and assembly work for clients. Please ask about the possibilities.

In the workshop we also provide training courses, including training to become a flange mechanic and safe movement of loads.


DB Group is aimed at solutions for clients. To provide complete technical solutions we work closely with a number of partners:

  • GAP provides Bolt tensioning and Bolt Torquing;
  • MDI provides a wider base for qualified craftsmen in the food and dairy industry;
  • The cooperation with Inatec and HS Technical provides an expansion in both craftsmen as management personnel.